Facing Chaos: The Most Ignored Imbroglio

Yes, the most ignored imbroglio is often the troubles within our own heart. It is easier, safer, and more comfortable to pass judgment on others. This makes us feel spiritual, wise, superior, and accomplished. Yet this approach completely ignores the areas of chaos in our own lives, and the temporary...

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Facing Chaos: The Beauty of Mystery

So what about when we face big problems? Are we simply to be amazed at the grandiose way in which our world messes up? Are we to be impressed because not only did we fail, but we failed with flair? Well, maybe…but I would suggest a better perspective. Even in...

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Faithful Followers: A Look Back At 2020

Well, church, it has been a year now where we have been looking at stories of the faithful followers of God in the pages of Scripture. Not only have we looked at their successes, but we have seen that even the most faithful of the disciples still erred, sinned, and...

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